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교수 소개
닫기버튼김숙남 교수모성간호학
연락처 051-510-0727
연구실 로사리오관 417-1호
e-mail snkim@cup.ac.kr
1999.9 ~ 부산가톨릭대학교 간호대학
1996.3 ~ 1999. 8 부산가톨릭대학교 간호학과 외래강사
1989.3 ~ 1989.7 부산성모병원 중환자실(구:성분도병원)
1987.8 ~ 1989.2 보건진료원(경남 의령군 유곡면 유곡보건진료소)
1998-08-30 여성의 자궁절제술후 삶의 질 구조모형(박사학위논문)
2021-12-01 노년층을 위한 마을단위 죽음준비 교육 프로그램 개발 및 효과. 지역사회간호학회지. 2021;32(4):445-456.
2021-10-31 한국어판 단축형 만성질환관리 자기효능감 도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 검증. 한국간호과학회지. 2021;51(5):617-629.
2019-12-02 보건소 호스피스완화케어 서비스를 제공받는 재가 말기암 환자의 삶의 질 구조분석. 한국보건의료산업학회지. 2019;13(4):163-177.
2018-12-01 Evaluation of Outcomes of the Busan Community-Based Palliative Care Project in Korea. Asian Nursing Research, 12; 286-292.
2017-08-30 Development of a Community-Based Palliative Care Model for Advance Cancer Patients in Public Health Centers in Busan, Korea.Cancer Research Treatment,2017;49(3):559-568.
2016-12-30 지역사회기반 호스피스완화케어에서의 의료지원서비스 요구분석,보건의료산업학회지. 2016;10(4):109-121.
2016-09-30 중년남성의 국가암 검진수검 관련요인.보건의료산업학회지.2016;10(3):51-61
2016-09-30 부산시민이 인식하는 좋은죽음과 호스피스에 대한 연구.보건의료산업학회지,2016;10(3):85-97.
2016-06-01 좋은죽음에 대한 인식, 연명치료중단 및 안락사에 대한 종합병원간호사의 태도.한국호스피스완화의료학회지.2016;19(2):136-144.
2015-12-31 지역기반 보건복지 연계가능성에 대한 탐색연구.민족연구.2015;64:222-246.
2015-12-28 지역사회 생애말기 돌봄에 있어서 사회복지 개입의 필요성탐색.보건과 사회과학.2015;40:79-110.
2015-12-01 일 지역 보건소 등록 재가 호스피스완화돌봄 대상자의 특성 및 증상분석.한국호스피스완화의료학회지,18(4)
2013-06-30 중년여성의 영성과 자아존중감.정신간호학회지.2013;22(2):128-136.
2011-12-26 의미요법이 포함된 호스피스완화간호교육이 간호대학생의 임종간호태도와 생의 의미에 미치는 효과.한국간호교육학회지.2011;17(3):454-463.
2011-08-30 대학생의 자살생각과 영성.한국간호교육학회지.2011;17(2):190-199.
2010-06-01 간호사의 죽음과 불안.한국간호교육학회지.2010;16(1):101-110
2010-06-01 일 지역 의사와 간호사의 영성.정신간호학회지.2010;19(2):143-153.
2010-06-01 보건소중심 호스피스 운영모델 개발.한국호스피스완화의료학회.2010;13(2):109-119.
2010-06-01 일 지역 의사와 간호사의 영성. 정신간호학회지.2010;19(2):143-153.
2009-06-30 의사와 간호사의 안락사에 대한 태도.정신간호학회지.2009;18(2):137-146.
2008-09-30 노화불안 척도의 타당화 연구.정신간호학회지.2008;17(3):292-301.
2008-03-01 일부지역 성인의 노후불안.한국노년학.2008;28(1):19-32.
2005-12-31 대학생의 생의 의미: Q 방법론적 접근.청소년학연구,12(2)
2004-06-01 여성가장의 생의 의미 영향요인.한국모자보건학회지,2004;8(2):267-279.
2003-12-31 노인의 생의 의미: Q 방법론적 접근. 상담학연구,4(4)
2003-12-31 호스피스간호에서 의미요법 적용을 위한 생의의미 고찰.간호교육학회지,9(2)
2003-06-30 노인의 생의 의미 측정도구개발. 대한간호학회지.2003;33(4):414-424.
2001-03-01 여성가장의 우울과 지각된 건강상태.여성건강간호학회.2001;7(1):44-55.
2021-07-20 ~ 2021-12-21 국민건강보험공단 연구용역과제 <지역사회 통합돌봄의 생애말기환자 지원방안 연구>
2021-03-01 ~ 2022-12-31 부산인재평생교육진흥원 지역사회상생협력지원사업 <초고령사회 웰다잉 건강생태계 조성사업>
2020-06-01 ~ 2021-01-31 부산인재평생교육진흥원 지역사회상생협력지원사업 <초고령사회 웰다잉 건강생태계 조성사업>
2020-05-01 ~ 2020-10-31 국가생명윤리정책원 <노년층을 위한 마을단위 죽음준비교육 프로그램 개발>
2019-06-01 ~ 2019-12-31 부산광역시 대학협력팀 지역사회상생협력지원사업 <초고령사회 웰다잉 건강생태계 조성사업>
2018-07-01 ~ 2018-12-31 부산과학기술기획평가원<웰다잉 커뮤니키케어 시스템 구축>
2014-12-01 ~ 2016-11-30 한국보건산업진흥원 보건의료R & D(보건소중심 호스피스완화케어서비스 시스템 개발) 수행
2009-01-01 ~ 2025-12-31 부산광역시 <말기암환자 호스피스사업>
2003-01-01 ~ 2004-12-30 부산광역시 금정구 보건소 모자보건선도사업 수행
교수 소개
닫기버튼강소영 교수간호관리학
연락처 051-510-0771
연구실 로사리오관 414호
e-mail kang0026@cup.ac.kr
2012-06-30 간호사의 창의적 간호실무가 직무만족 및 조직몰입에 미치는 영향, 간호행정학회지, 18(2), 234-243. Purpose: This study was done to: (a) examine relationships between creative nursing practice and job satisfaction, and organizational commitment that nurses perceive in a hospital, and (b) identify creative nursing practice factors affecting job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Method: Using self-report questionnaires including 25 items of the Creative Nursing Practice Index, a descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 387 nurses working in the nursing care units of a general hospital in Seoul, Korea. Data were analyzed, using independent t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Result: The mean score for nurses performance of creative practice was 2.29±0.46 (range 1 to 4). Creative nursing practice had positive correlation with nurses' job satisfaction (r=.427, p<.001) and organizational commitment(r=.433, p<.001). Creative nursing practice factors influencing job satisfaction were implementing customized care (β=.158, p=.010), making new knowledge (β=.257, p<.001), and searching ideas (β=.209, p<.001). Nurses' organizational commitment was influenced by implementing customized care (β=.192, p=.002), making new knowledge (β=.158, p=.028), searching ideas (β=.254, p<.001), sharing ideas (β=.250, p=.003), and validating ideas (β=.189, p=.036). Conclusions: The results indicate a need to develop nurses' creative competency to pursue quality care as well as increase nurses' job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
2003-08-01 박사학위논문: Development and Testing the Creative Nursing Practice Index(CNPI), Dissertation, University of Minnesota
1995-11-01 석사학위논문: A Study of the Construct Validity of and Instrument-Staff Nurses' Commitment to Continuous Quality Improvement(CQI), Master Thesis, University of Minnesota
2016-10-31 The job analysis of Korean nurses as a strategy to improve the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination, Park et al, Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 13: 24. Purpose: This study aimed at characterizing Korean nurses’ occupational responsibilities to apply the results for improvement of the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination. Methods: First, the contents of nursing job were defined based on a focus group interview of 15 nurses. Developing a Curriculum (DACOM) method was used to examine those results and produce the questionnaire by 13 experts. After that, the questionnaire survey to 5,065 hospital nurses was done. Results: The occupational responsibilities of nurses were characterized as involving 8 duties, 49 tasks, and 303 task elements. Those 8 duties are nursing management and professional development, safety and infection control, the management of potential risk factors, basic nursing and caring, the maintenance of physiological integrity, medication and parenteral treatments, socio-psychological integrity, and the maintenance and improvement of health. Conclusion: The content of Korean Nursing Licensing Examination should be improved based on 8 duties and 49 tasks of the occupational responsibilities of Korean nurses.
2016-08-31 지역주민 참여에 영향을 미치는 건강증진사업 지원요인: 일개 광역시 일 만보 걷기사업을 중심으로, 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 16(8), 529-539. 본 연구는 지역사회 건강증진사업에서 주민참여에 영향을 미치는 사업지원요인을 규명하기 위한 서술적 연구이다. B시에서 주최한 3개월간 일만보 걷기사업을 중도에 포기하지 않고 끝까지 참여한 지역주민 418명을 대상으로 하였다. 자료는 자기보고식 설문지를 이용하여 수집하였고, T검정과 분산분석, 다중회귀분 석으로 분석하였다. 사업 참여자 중 물리적 지원(만보기(p〈.001), 걷기기록장(p〈.001), 실천저금통(p=.002))을 이용하거나, 정보적 지원(걷기교육, 주민리더교육)에 참여하거나(p〈.001), 촉진행사 및 모임(보건소별 걷기모임)에 참여횟수가 많거나(p〈.001), 파트너십(걷기 동아리에 소속된 경우)에 따라서(p〈.001) 걷기 참여일수는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 또한 걷기 기록장 사용, 동아리 소속이 걷기참여의 유의한 영향요인으로 나타났다. 따라서 추후 건강증진 사업운영 시 참여자의 건강증진 행위실천을 돕기 위한 물품을 지원하고 파트너십을 구축(모임, 동아리) 하는 등 주민참여 향상을 위한 다양한 정책전략이 필요하다.
2016-06-30 Relevance of the test content of the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination to nursing job, Park et al, Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions, 13: 23. Purpose: This study aimed at identifying if there is a relevance of content of the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination (KNLE) revised in 2014 to nursing job. It will be able to provide the validity of revised content of the KNLE. Methods: From October 13 to November 13, 2015, print version of 8 duties with 49-tasks, 155-job item questionnaires were distributed to 1,305 hospital nurses and 202 nursing faculties in Korea. Results were treated by descriptive statistics and comparison analysis. There were responses from 946 nurses or professors (72.5%). Results: The relevance of test content of KNLE to nursing job was shown to be valid with over 3 points out of 4 point Likert scale in all items: from 3.23 at lowest to 3.64 at top. Conclusion: Above results showed that the revised version of KNLE in 2014 was valid to test the nursing students’ knowledge for job performance.
2015-12-31 간호학생의 감정노동이 소진에 미치는 영향: 감성지능의 조절효과, 간호행정학회지, 21(1), 77-87. Purpose: This study was done to: (a) identify levels of emotional labor that nursing students perceived when caring for patients in the hospital during their nursing practicum, (b) examine the impact of emotional labor on burnout, and (c) identify the possible moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between emotional labor and burnout for nursing students. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 171 students enrolled in a 4-year undergraduate nursing program in one university located in Korea, and had a practicum experience at least one semester before the study began. Data were collected with self-report questionnaire, and analyzed with SPSS 21.0 program, using hierarchical multiple regression. Results: Mean score for emotional labor was 3.17 with a range of 1 to 5. For nursing students, emotional labor significantly affected burnout in the nursing practicum(F=15.763, p<.001), and explained 30.1% of the variance in burnout. The degree of emotional intelligence acted as a moderator on the relationship between emotional labor and burnout at significant level (F=15.345, p<.001). Conclusion: This research shows that nurse managers as well as nurse educators need to pay attention to nursing students' emotional labor during nursing practicum in the care units of hospitals.
2014-12-31 간호사의 팀워크가 직무만족에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감의 매개효과, 강소영, 권해경, 조미라, 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 14(12), 881-894. This study aimed at (a) examining the effects of teamwork, demonstrating with other nurses at a care unit on nurses’ job satisfaction and self-efficacy, and (b) identifying if there is the mediating effect of self-efficacy on the relationship between teamwork and job satisfaction at a hospital. A descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 304 nurses, who were caring for patients with more than one nurse at a university hospital located in Southern area of Korea. The degree of teamwork demonstraing by registered nurses was 3.78(±.0.59) in the range from 1 to 5. Teamwork at caring units affected significantly nurses’ job satisfaction(F=58.26, p<.001), and explained 42.80% in the variance of job satisfaction. The degree of self-efficacy that nurses perceived played as a mediator on the relationship between teamwork and job satisfaction at significant level(Z=5.25, p<.001).
2013-07-31 간호사의 간호사례 중심 창의적 사고훈련 효과, 강소영, 김현주, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 14(6), 2898-2907. Abstract The purpose of this study was to develop the creative thinking training program(CTTP) focused on a nursing case for registered nurses(RN) working at hospital, and to examine the CTTP’s effects on nurses’ creative thinking ability and disposition. This quasi-experimental study was conducted on the basis of pre and post-test design with a comparison group for nurses enrolled in registered nurse bachelor science degree program in a University located in Southern area of Korea. The 5 hour-CTTP, including 7 creative activity tasks related to a nursing case, was implemented on 35 RNs of the experimental group from November 21, throughout November 28, 2011. The 39 RNs were participated in this study as a control group. Pre-and post-tests were done with the questionnaire items of the Integrated Creativity Instrument for creative ability and creative disposition. There were significant differences in creative thinking ability(t=3.62, p=001) and creative disposition(t=2.91, p=.01) between the experimental and the control group. The CTTP, developed in this research would contribute to increasing creativity competency for registered nurses.
2012-04-30 간호학생의 문제해결과정에 영향을 미치는 창의적 능력요인, 강소영, 김현주, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 13(2), 1-7 Abstract This study was aimed at identifying the factors of creative ability influencing problem-solving skills for University students majoring in nursing science. A descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 248 students enrolled in a 4-year undergraduate academic program for nursing in one University located in an urban area of Korea. This study used: (a) 25 items of Process Behavior Survey, and (b) 35 items of the Integrative Creativity Scale. The data were collected from Nov. 8th toward Nov. 26th, 2010; the research was conducted through voluntary participation after an explanation about the research. The data were also analyzed with SPSS 18.0 program, using Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression methods. Mean score of the level of problem-solving process was 3.62(±.448). Problem-solving process was significantly related to creative ability(p<.01). Problem-solving process was significantly influenced by flexibility and elaboration in account for 42.4%. These results imply that in order to foster problem-solving ability, nursing professors need to develop nursing students'creative ability and its factors.
2012-04-30 간호윤리 상황극을 통한 병원간호사의 긍정윤리관 변화, 엄영란, 강소영, 노원자, 임상간호연구, 18(1), 1-12 Purpose: This study was done to examine changes towards positive ethics in registered nurses working in hospitals who took part in performing 'theatre of situations' in terms of issues of nursing ethics. Methods: This research was conducted with one-group pretest-posttest design. The sample, 232 registered nurses, voluntarily participated in a contest of ‘Theatre of Situations’ with themes of nursing ethics hosted by Hospital Nurses Association of Korea on September 8, 2011. For this contest, eight nursing situational scenario regarding ethical issues or dilemma were created. The theatre of situation was performed by volunteer nurses over a period of 160 minutes. Data were collected before and after the performance using 10 items to measure Positive Ethics. Item internal consistency had a Cronbach’s alpha in this study of .716. Results: Before the theatre of situations was performed, the mean (±standard deviation) level of positive ethics was 2.34 (±.37). For the nurses who participated, there was a significant increase in the degree of positive ethics after the theatre of situations (2.62±.36, p<.001). Conclusion: This result implies that indirect experiences such as ‘theatre of situations’ in terms of ethical issues, created as well as performed, is effective for registered nurses in changing their ethical perspective positively and in realizing ethical ideals.
2011-12-31 간호학 문제중심학습에 기초한 창의성통합교육모형(C-PBL) 개발 및 효과, 한국간호교육학회지, 17(3), 435-445. Purpose: This study aimed at (a) developing an instructional model of creative thinking education on the problem-based learning method (C-PBL) in undergraduate nursing curriculum at one University, and (b) examining its effect on nursing students' level of creativity and outcomes from problem-based learning. Methods: The C-PBL model was implemented on 43 juniors of the experimental group with a 30 hour-nursing class during one semester. The control group, with 54 seniors, received 4 hours of problem based learning training in an adult nursing class. Pre-and post-tests were done with the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking for creative thinking ability, the Integrated Creativity Instrument for creative motivation and attitudes, the Problem Solving Competency questionnaire, and the Self-Directed Learning Instrument. Results: The C-PBL model was developed using a caring situation scenario to solve nursing problems with 3 training steps of 'encountering a patient in a caring situation',‘exploring nursing knowledge’, and ‘designing creative caring beyond given knowledge’. Between the experimental group and the control group, there were significant differences in creativity (p<.010), problem-solving ability(p<.010), and self-directed ability (p<.010). Conclusion: This C-PBL method could contribute in increasing creative competency as well as problem-solving ability for nursing students.
2009-10-31 간호보건계 대학생의 자기효능감과 창의성 성향 및 능력간의 관계, 병원경영학회지, 14(3), 49-66 Purpose : This study was aimed at examining the relationships of university students’ self-efficacy to creative disposition and creative thinking ability. Method : A descriptive study was conducted with a sample of 320 students enrolled 4-year-undergraduate academic programs major in nursing as well as elderly care management in one University located in Pusan, Korea. This study used: (a) 24 items of Self-Efficacy Scale originally developed by Kim & Cha(1996), and (b) 39 items of creative thinking ability and 16 items of creative attitudes in a Self-Report Form of Integrative Creativity Scale developed by Bak & Kang(2006). The data were analyzed by using Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple regression methods.Result : University students’ self-efficacy has significantly positive impact on creative thinking ability(p<.001) with 26.4% of the variance and creativedisposition(p<.001) with 48.9%. Creative thinking ability as well as the disposition related to creativity that university students possessed were significantlyinfluenced by efficacy on self-control and efficacy on taking difficult tasks.Conclusion : This result supports Social Cognitive Theory and Investment Theory of Creativity in terms that self-efficacy is the factor affecting fostering creativeability and demonstration of creativity potential to the real. This also implies that healthcare educational programs reinforcing students’ self-efficacy wouldcontribute to breed them to healthcare professionals with creative competency.
2008-03-31 맞춤간호유형 및 과정: 가정간호서비스를 중심으로, 간호행정학회지 14(1), 13-25 Purpose: The study aimed at providing better understanding of the way of carrying out nursing practice tailored to meet patient's individuality, and types of customized care in home care settings. Method: This study was conducted with qualitative design, using a grounded theory method. The directors of the home care department at three general hospitals nominated 12 staff nurses who had the experience of customized care. The data were collected using interview and field observation, and analyzed line-by-line with steps of coding. Result: The core category of customized care was ‘caring in a precise manner suited to patient's individuality’. The central phenomenon was ‘desire to do more for patient’. The action and interactions were: (a) knowing a patient all the more, (b) making a special relationship to a patient, (c) designing care alternatives reflecting individuality, and (d) performing the care alternatives reflecting individuality. Three types of customized care were the following: (a) completion of customized care, (b) an attempt to customized care, and (c) abandonment of working for customized care. Conclusions: The knowledge of customized care would be based on development of nursing practice program focusing on patient' individuality, and instrument development necessary for further research on care customization.
2016-04-01 ~ 2016-12-31 우수한 간호사 인력양성 및 배출을 위한 정책제안 연구, 한국보건의료인국가시험원, 정책연구과제(연구위원)
2016-03-01 ~ 2017-01-31 통합적 간호지식에 근거한 국가고시 사례형 문항개발 및 평가연구, 한국보건의료인 국가시험원, 간호사수탁연구과제(연구위원).
2015-03-06 ~ 2016-01-28 간호대학 졸업자의 최소직무능력규정 및 국가시험 적용방안연구, 한국보건의료인국가시험원 간호사수탁연구과제(연구책임자)
2014-05-19 ~ 2015-02-28 간호사 직무분석, 학습목표, 국가시험 연계성 분석연구, 한국보건의료인국가시험원 간호사 수탁연구과제(연구위원)
2011-05-02 ~ 2012-08-01 간호사 2차 직무분석 연구, 한국보건의료인국가시험원 수탁연구과제(연구위원)
2008-07 ~ 2009-06 학술진흥재단, 지역우수과학자지원과제, 간호학 문제중심학습에 기초한 창의성통합교육모형개발 및 효과(Development of Creativity Integrated Problem-Based Learning Model for Nursing Education).
2005-12 ~ 2006-10 한국보건사회연구원, 프로젝트명:보건소단위의 건강증진사업에서 타분야와의 상호연계체계 개발 및 평가
2005-07 ~ 2006-06 학술진흥재단 신진교수연구지원사업(과제명: 맞춤간호유형 및 과정; 가정간호서비스를 중심으로)
교수 소개
닫기버튼김현주 교수기본간호학
연락처 051-510-0772
연구실 로사리오관 411호
e-mail 등록된 자료가 없습니다.
2017-08-31 간호대학생에게 적용한 흡인간호 교육프로그램의 효과(2013, 한국산학기술학회)
2014-02-28 Effects of bilateral passive range of exercise on the function of upper extremities and activities of daily living in patients with acute stroke(2014, Journal of physical therapy scuence)
2011-08-31 신경외과중환자의 간헐적 비위관 경장 영양 시 경장영양백 사용기간 및 소독방법에 따른 오염도 비교(2011, 기초간호자연과학회)
2016-08-31 ~ 2017-07-31 2016년도 위탁연구과제[통합적 간호지식에 근거한 국가고시 사례형 문항 개발 및 평가 연구]
교수 소개
닫기버튼김은하 교수지역사회간호학, 노인간호학
연락처 051-510-0728
연구실 로사리오관 410호
e-mail hake1114@cup.ac.kr
1993.09~1994.12. 이화여자대학교 간호학과 조교
1995.01~1995.06. 서울목동병원 간호사
1995.09.~1996.02 서울성심여자중학교 보건교사
1997.~2002. 외래교수(이화여자대학교, 수원여자대학교, 신흥대학교, 경원대학교)
2003~2005. 동작구 보건소 대도시 방문보건간호 사업 자문위원
2007.03.~현재. 부산가톨릭대학교 간호대학 교수
2012~2017. 흰돌요양센터 목제관 운영위원
2014.~2017. 한국중독전문가협회 대외협력위원장
2014.~현재 한국보건의료인국가시험원 출제위원
2014.~현재 질적연구학회 논문심사위원
2015.~현재 Crisisonomy 편집위원장
2016~2017 부산광역시 교육청 성교육 인정도서 심의위원
2016.~현재 대한간호협회 지역사회간호학 문항개발위원
2017-2019. 법무부 법사랑위원
2018.~현재 한국간호교육평가원 간호교육인증 평가위원
2020.~2022. 한국마약퇴치운동본부 부산지부 마약류사범 교육강사
2021~2023. 부산광역시 마약류중독자 치료보호 심사위원
2022.~현재 국민건강보험공단 등급판정위원회 위원
2022.~현재 금정구보건소 치매안심센터 운영위원
2022.~현재 한국보건간호학회 이사
2023.~현재 국가생명윤리정책원 생명윤리위원회 평가인증 평가위원
2006-07 저소득층 독거여성 노인이 입원 중 체험한 편안함(박사학위논문)
1995-08 임상간호사의 소진에 관한 연구(석사학위논문)
2024-11-21 The experience of turnover to long-term care hospital nurse: a phenomenological qualitative research. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing. 26(4): 392-402. https://doi.org/10.17079/jkgn.2024.00360
2024-03-01 Predictors of weight-control behavior according to gender of obese older adults. Crisisonomy. 20(2):175-190. https://doi.org/10.14251/crisisonomy.2024.20.2.175
2023-05-30 Factors influencing the control of hypertension according to the gender of older adults. Healthcare. 11:1595. https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11111595
2022-10-11 Associated factors of metabolic syndrome in older women living alone-focusing on obesity. Crisisonomy. 18(20).:133-145. https://doi.org/10.14251/crisisonomy.2022.18.10.133
2022-02-09 Factors Influencing the Practice of healthy Living as an Integrated Indicator of the Elderly’s Drinking, Smoking, and Walking Patterns: Using Korea Community Health Surveys. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19:1936. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19041936
2021-05-31 Meaning of the first faced by nursing students during clinical practice: based on nurses’ perspectives. Journal of Quality Research. 22(1): 11-20. https://doi.org/10.22284/qr.2021.22.1.11
2021-04-30 Factors related to the end-of-life care stress of nurses in cancer care units. Crisisonomy. 17(4): 123-135. https://doi.org/10.14251/crisisonomy.2021.17.4.123
2021-04-09 Factors associated with hazardous drinking in the male and female elderly with hypertension. Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing. 35(1): 135-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.5932/JKPHN.2021.35.1.135
2020-07-24 Death attitude, death anxiety, and knowledge toward advance directives among nursing students. Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing. 34(2): 211-214. http://dx.doi.org/10.5932/JKPHN.2020.34.2.211
2020-08-19. Nurse’s attitude toward brain death organ transplantation and their knowledge of hospice palliative care. Crisisonomy. 16(8): 101-116.
2020-06-17 A Mixed Methods Study of the Successful Aging of Older Adults in Korea. Journal of Chosun Natural Science. 13(2): 47-57.
2019-06-30 Predictors influencing of medication adherence in hemodialysis patients. Korean Journal of Adult Nursing. 31(3): 283-292. https://doi.org/10.7475/kjan.2019.31.3.283
2019-08-31 Development of online continuing education courses on National Health Examination for community health nurses: using the rapid prototyping method. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society. 20(8): 250-263.
2019-08-31 Effect of fall prevention for older patients in comprehensive nursing care service ward. Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing. 33(2):200-213.
2019-09-01 Reliability and validity of an instrument assessing advance directives for nurse. Korean Journal of Hospice Palliative Care. 22(3): 134-143. https://doi.org/10.14475/kjhpc.2019.22.3.134
2017-06-30 The meaning of comfort to elderly individuals living in long-term care hospitals, Applied Nursing Research, vol 35, 59-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apnr.2017.02.001
2016-06-30 Experience of dementia-related anxiety in middle aged female caregivers for family with dementia: a phenomenological study, Asian Nursing Research, 10(2), 128-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anr.2016.02.001
2016-05-31 New clinical nurse’s experiences with learning transfer of core basic nursing skill. Journal of Qualitative Research. 17(1): 50-59.
2016-05-01 Educational needs on health examination for nurse. Crisisonomy. 12(4): 37-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.14251/crisisonomy.2016.12.4.37
2016-01-31 Menopausal woman’s parents with dementi caring experience. Crisisonomy.12(1): 157-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.14251/crisisonomy.2016.12.1.157
2015-01-30 Professional identity of elementary school health teachers: a grounded theory approach, Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing. 21(1): 64-73.http://dx.doi.org/10.4094/chnr.2015.21.1.64
2014-11-24 The effect of health status on sleep quality and quality of life among elderly patient in geriatric hospitals. Journal of Digital Convergence. 12(11), 415-426. http://dx.doi.org/10.14400/JDC.2014.12.11.415
2014-11-20 Factors affecting health status of elderly patient in geriatric hospitals. Crisis and Emergency Management:Theory and Praxis. 10(11): 307-322.
2024-10-19 Current status of community care service and nursing direction. The 18th International Symposium for Aging(ISA). Kwangju:Chonnam National University.
2021-12-10 Adaptation experience of nurses working at long-term care hospital. The Academy of Qualitative Research. Seoul: Ewha Womans University.
2017-06-21 A study on the rehabilitation facilities for addiction recovery in Korea, ICUDDR, Charles University.
2017-03-09 interpersonal relationship ability of the enneargram personality type of nursing students, Esat Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars, Regal Revierside Hotel.
2016-10-11 study on substance involvement among Korean university students by using the ASSIT-LITE. ICCE, Malacca.
2016-07-03 team building method considering the personality impact on nursing students interpersonal relationships, 지역사회간호학회, 부산 벡스코
2016-06-16 the meaning of comfort to elderly individuals living in long term care hospitals. 노인간호학회, 고려대학교
2015-08-21 Korean community health nurse's needs on health examination on career continuing education on program for registerd nurse, Association of Community health Nurse,Seoul National University.
2015-06-22 Correlates of subjective happiness, self esteem and major satisfaction in Korean nursing students, Association of Korean Nurse/ ICN, Co-ex.
지역사회간호, 노인간호(장기요양), 질적연구(현상학), 중독(알코올, 약물), 간호교육
<프로젝트 실적>
지역 건강격차 원인 규명과 해소를 위한 학술 활동 촉진 연구(2020). 질병관리청·한국지역사회간호학회(책임연구원)
지역사회 상생 협력지원사업, 마을 단위 웰다잉교육 사업(2019). 부산광역시(공동연구원)
말기 암환자 호스피스사업(2019). 부산광역시(공동연구원)
웰다잉 커뮤니티케어 시스템 구축(2018). 부산과학기술기획평가원(공동연구원)
간호조무사 직무분석(2017~2018). 한국보건의료인시험개발원(공동연구원)
고교-대학 연계 R&E 지원사업(2016). 부산교육청(책임연구원)
지역사회간호사 대상 온라인 보수교육콘텐츠 개발연구(2014~2016). 대한간호협회(책임연구원)
요양보호사 양성 과정 교육기관 지정(2008~2011). 보건복지부. 책임연구원.
교수 소개
닫기버튼서지영 교수아동간호학
연락처 051-510-0770
연구실 메리놀관 113-1호
e-mail 등록된 자료가 없습니다.
2006-12-31 향기흡입이 고등학생의 스트레스 정도와 스트레스 반응에 미치는 효과. 경북대학교 일반대학원 박사학위논문
2002-06-30 입원환아가족의 간호요구도와 만족도. 경북대학교 일반대학원 석사학위논문
2021-04-30 통합적 고찰을 통한 간호사들의 직업 관련 근골격계 질환 중재. 근관절건강학회지 28(1), 10-17.
2021-03-31 다문화청소년의 자아탄력성 영향요인에 대한 종단연구. 한국데이터정보과학회지 32(2), 391-403.
2020-09-30 간호학 만족도에 따른 비판적 사고성향과 임상수행능력의 변화. 한국산학기술학회논문지 21(9), 113-119.
2020-06-30 비판적 사고성향 정도에 따른 시뮬레이션 실습의 효과. 한국데이터정보과학회지 31(3), 559-568.
2020-06-06 시각매체와 시청각매체를 활용한 반복 정보제공이 갑상선절제술환자의 불확실성과 불안 완화에 미치는 효과. Asian Oncology Nursing 20(2), 92-99.
2019-09-30 간호대학생의 귀인성향과 자기자비가 특성분노에 미치는 영향. 위기관리 이론과 실천 15(9), 111-120.
2019-04-30 의사결정나무 분석을 이용한 고등학생의 진로 성숙도 관련 요인 분석 Child Health Nurs Res, Vol.25, No.2 95-102
2017-07-31 시뮬레이션학습에서 역할교대 경험이 간호대학생의 학습몰입, 셀프리더십 및 디브리핑 만족도에 미치는 효과
2017-02-15 Reliability and validity of the Korean version of the coronary revascularization outcome questionnaire. HEALTHANDQUALITYOFLIFEOUTCOMES 15(37).
2015-11-30 간호대학생의대학생활적응모형. 한국데이터정보과학회
2015-03-31 중학생의BMI정도에따른학교적응영향요인. 한국데이터정보과학회
2014-12-31 남녀 체질량 지수에 따른 관상동맥질환 위험도(FraminghamRiskScore-CoronaryHeartDisease) 영향요인. 지역사회간호학회지
2014-02-28 대학생의 폭음 행동 모형. 성인간호학회지
2014-02-28 초등학교 보건교과서 분석. 한국간호교육학회
2020-01-10 Drinking and Smoking in Korean Adolescents: Is it related with Delinquent behaviors? EAFONS2020 10-11 jan, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2018-12-13 The self-esteem and peer interaction of preschooler according to the types of parenting attitude of their parents
2017-07-11 Career Maturity by Self-esteem levels in Korean High school Students. 2017 World Nursing and Health Conference Berlin, Germany
2016-07-03 고등학생의 건강행위,지각된 건강상태 및 스트레스 간의 관계. 2016 한일학술대회, 지역사회간호학회
2015-05-15 후기미숙아의재태연령별수유실태조사. 한국데이터정보과학회
2014-10-24 남녀 체질량 지수에 따른 Framingham Risk Score 영향요인. 한국간호과학회
2013-10-16 Construction of the Structural Equation Model on Binge-drinking in Korean Undergraduate Students. 9thInternationalNursingConference.
2017-03-02 ~ 2017-12-10 2017년 하반기(3주기) 간호교육인증평가 자체평가보고서
2013-03-01 ~ 2014-02-28 2013학년도 상반기 간호교육인증평가 자체평가보고서
교수 소개
닫기버튼조명주 교수아동간호학
연락처 051-510-0775
연구실 메리놀관 114호
e-mail nicupicu@cup.ac.kr
2013-02-15 소아암 아동의 형제자매를 위한 미술중재프로그램의 효과. 가톨릭대학교 대학원 박사학위논문.
2007-02-16 신생아 호스피스에 대한 의사와 간호사 및 부모의 인식과 실태. 가톨릭대학교 대학원 석사학위논문
2016-08-31 Factor affecting happiness among nursing students in South Korea. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 외 다수
2017-03-01 ~ 2020-02-29 한국연구재단. 미혼모에 대한 간호사와 간호대학생의인식개선 연구
교수 소개
닫기버튼박영수 교수성인간호학
연락처 051-510-0721
연구실 로사리오관 413호
e-mail yspark@cup.ac.kr
누두흉 환아의 리모델링 성형술 전,후 신체상과 자아존중감에 대한 조사 연구
중환자실 간호사의 대상자 중심(Patient Centered) 의사소통 역량수준 및 관련요인
2024-12-31 The Influence of Grit and Nursing Work Environment on Turnover Intention among General Hospital Nurses. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research. 2024;30(3):275-283.
2024-12-31 The In-person and Virtual Practice Experiences of Nursing Students who Experiences COVID-19. J Muscle Jt Health. 2024;31(3):270-280.
2023-12-31 Relationship between Clinical Practice Stress, Communication Skills, and Clinical Performance in Nursing Students who Experienced Virtual Online Clinical Practice. Korean Journal of Health Promotion. 2023: 23(4): 190-197.
2023-06-30 Relationship between the Types of Violence Experienced, Self-esteem, and organizational Commitment among Emergency Room nurses. Journal of Korean Academy on Communication in Healthcare. 2023; 18(1): 37-44.
2022-06-30 Current domestic research trends on nurses' communication programs. Health Communication, the Official Journal of Korean Academy on Communication in Healthcare. 2022; 17(1): 25-30.
2020-07-31 Study on the Emotional Intelligence, Nursing Professionalism, and Communication Ability of Nursing Students at a College of Nursing. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2020; 20(14): 765-777.
2020-07-31 A Study on the Male Nursing Students' Experiences related to Gender Stereotype: Focus Group Interviews. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 2020; 20(14): 1187-1201.
2019-12-01 Can an automatic oscillometric device replace a mercury sphygmomanometer on blood pressure measurement? a systematic review and meta-analysis. Blood Pressure Monitoring. 2019; 24(6): 265-276.
2019-05-31 The Effect of Peer Attachment, Depression of Nursing Students on Internet Addiction. Asia-pacific of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology. 2019; 9(5): 503-512.
2018-06-30 Factor Related to Intensive Care Unit Nurses' Patient Centered Communication Competency. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing. 2018; 11(2): 51-62.
2018-06-30 The Knowledge, Attitudes on Tuberculosis for the Foreign Students of a Domestic University. Korean Journal of Health Promotion. 2018; 18(2): 83-89.
2018-03-09 Racial and Ethnic Differences in Mental Health among Asian Americans and Non-Hispanic Whites: Based on California Health Interview Survey.Issue in Mental Health Nursing. 2018; 39(3): 208-214
중환자실 간호사가 경험하는 윤리적 딜레마와 대처행위. 중환자간호학회지. 5(2). 1-14. 2012
상급 종합병원 간호사의 정보검색능력이 근거기반실무 역량에 미치는 영향. 성인간호학회지. 24(6). 635-646. 2012.
일 대학병원 중환자실 간호사의 음독자살시도 환자 간호 경험 : 포커스 그룹 연구. 중환자간호학회지. 6(1): 11-20. 2013
중환자실 간호사의 의사소통 능력, 소진이 간호업무성과에 미치는 영향. 기본간호학회지. 20(3): 278-288. 2013
재가간호서비스 제공자의 업무 수행 현황과 장애요인. 대한간호학회지. 45(5): 742-751. 2015
퇴원환자의 신체적 기능상태 및 미충족 간호요구도 : 만성호흡기질환, 장루보유 대장암, 뇌종중 환자를 중심으로. 임상간호연구. 22(2): 194-204. 2016
Effectiveness of Telephone-Delivered Interventions Following Suicide Attempts: A Systematic Review. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. 30: 114-119. 2016
Combined effect of left ventricular ejection fraction and post-cardiac depressive symptoms on major adverse cardiac events after successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention: a 12-month follow-up. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 16(1): 37-45. 2017
2021-11-27 비대면 온라인 실습을 경험한 간호대학생의 임상실습스트레스, 의사소통능력 및 임상수행능력의 관계: 2021년 대한의료커뮤니케이션학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표
퇴원환자를 위한 간호중재 프로그램의 내용과 효과: 2014년 성인간호학회 춘계학술대회 포스터발표
중환자실 간호사의 의사소통에 관한 국내 문헌고찰 : 2014년 성인간호학회 춘계학술대회 포스터발표
재가간호서비스 제공자의 업무현황과 장애요인 : 2014년 성인간호학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표
A Systematic Review for Discharge Care Program for Patients with sub-acute conditions : 2014년 9th Biennial Joanna Briggs International Colloquium Scaling New Heights 포스터발표
Effect of International Programs for Improving Communication Skills among Clinical Nurses : 2014년 9th Biennial Joanna Briggs International Colloquium Scaling New Heights 포스터발표
중환자실 간호사의 대상자 중심(patient centered) 의사소통 역량수준 및 관련요인 : 2016년 한국중환자간호학회 추계학술대회 포스터발표 - 최우수상수상
2019-03-01 ~ 2022-02-28 [한국연구재단] 간호대학생의 의사소통 역량 측정도구 개발
교수 소개
닫기버튼이현주 교수간호관리학, 노인간호학
연락처 051-510-0776
연구실 로사리오관 412호
e-mail iodes@cup.ac.kr
2022.07~현재 노인간호사회 부울경지회 교육이사
2023.01~2024.12 부산광역시호스피스완화케어센터 센터장
2020.07~2022.06 부산가톨릭대학교 간호학과 학과장
2017.09~2023.08 부산가톨릭대학교 간호학과 조교수
2015.04~2017.08 인제대학교 부산백병원 간호행정교육팀(교육간호사)
2002.07~2015.03 인제대학교 부산백병원 산부인과(분만실), 내과병동 간호사
2017-02-24 간동맥 화학색전술을 받은 간암환자의 질병관리 경험, 부산대학교 일반대학원 박사학위논문
2009-02-20 호르몬대체요법을 받는 자궁절제술 여성의 성 역할 정체성, 성 만족도 및 삶의 질, 부산대학교 일반대학원 석사학위논문
2024-09-30 Influence of self-leadership, managers’ authentic leadership, and nurses' organizational culture relationships on hospital nurses' organizational silence: A mixed method study . Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 30(4), 4.4-415.(First author)
2024-07-31 Intensive care nurses' perceptions of critical care rehabilitation nursing: A Content Analysis. Global Health Nursing. 14(2), 159-171.(Corresponding author)
2024-05-31 Relationship between nursing students’ satisfaction in community volunteer activities, community spirit and community
attachment·competency. Journal of Korean Emergency, Disaster, and Convergence. 3(2), 27-35.(Participating author)
2024-05-31 Influence of digital literacy and patient activation on sick role behavior in vulnerable older adults with diabetes. Journal of Korean of Academy Fundamentals of Nursing. 31(2), 179-190.(Corresponding author)
2024-04-30 Recognition of well-dying, health-related quality of life and repulsion-related nursing home of community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Muscle and Joint Health. 31(1), 31-41.(Corresponding author)
2024-04-15 A contents analysis of nursing students’ experiences of practice in a long-term care hospital. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 24(7), 761-774.(First/Corresponding author)
2023-12-31 Factors influencing compliance of patient role behavior in elderly patients receiving hemodialysis. Journal of Muscle and Joint Health. 30(3), 157-167.(Corresponding author)
2022-11-30 The influence of infection control fatigue and compassion competence on disaster nursing core competencies of nurses at COVID-19 designated hospitals. Journal of Korean of Academy Fundamentals of Nursing. 29(4), 461-471.(Corresponding author)
2022-11-30 Factors influencing professional quality of life of nurses in long-term care hospitals: A cross sectional study. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing. 24(4), 377-388. (First/Corresponding author)
2022-09-01 A comparison of health-related quality of life and personal, social, and environmental factors of older adults according to a residential area: a propensity score matching analysis. Quality of Life Research.31(9),2631-2643. (Corresponding author)
2022-08-31 Effects of empowerment, infection control organizational culture and infection control awareness on performance among nurses in long-term care hospitals. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research. 28(2), 146-156. (Corresponding author)
2022-06-30 The COVID-19 correspondence work experience of community health practitioners. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 33(2), 139-152. (Corresponding author)
2022-05-31 Students’college life adaptation experiences in the accelerated second-degree bachelor of science in nursing program in South Korea. Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 28(2), 168-179.(First author)
2022-05-31 Factors influencing clinical nurses’ medication safety competence. Journal of Korean of Academy Fundamentals of Nursing. 29(2), 237-242.(Corresponding author)
2021-11-30 The mediating effect of self-leadership on the media literacy and learning agility of nursing students based on the experiences of online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education. 27(4), 359-368.(Corresponding author)
2021-10-31 Validity and reliability of Korean version of the self-efficacy for managing chronic disease 6-item scale. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 51(5), 617-629. (Corresponding author)
2021-10-31 Students’ experience in nursing majors classes applied by Habruta teaching method. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 21(20), 211-225.(Corresponding author)
2021-02-28 Impact of Posttraumatic growth and health promoting behavior on quality of life in patients with gastrointestinal cancer. Journal of Korean of Academy Fundamentals of Nursing. 28(1), 32-42.(Corresponding author)
2021-01-15 The effects of creative leadership and self-leadership to academic achievement of nursing students. Journal of Learner-Centered Curriculum and Instruction. 21(1), 531-546. (Corresponding author)
2020-12-31 Factors associated with physical activity in older adults by region: Based on the 2017 community health survey. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 31(s), 563-576. (First author)
2020-12-03 South Korean nurses’experiences with patient care at a COVID-19-designated hospital: Growth after the frontline battle against an infectious disease pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(23), 9015 (Corresponding author)
2020-11-01 Effects of healthcare interventions on psychosocial factors of patients with multimorbidity: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 91(2020), 104241. (First author)
2020-09-30 The effect of the education applying havruta's method on communication competency, critical thinking competency, and self-leadership of nursing students. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 31(3), 337-347. (Corresponding author)
2020-08-31 Nursing students' communication competency, critical thinking competency, and self-leadership. Nursing and Health Issues. 25(2), 74-82. (Corresponding author)
2020-03-01 Health-related quality of life in South Korean community-dwelling older adults with multimorbidity: a convergent parallel mixed-methods approach. Quality of Life Research.29(3),721-732. (First author)
2019-12-31 Health-promoting Lifestyle of Nursing Students: Using mixed methods research. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 30(4), 414-425. (First/Corresponding author)
2019-12-31 Experience of hospital administrative nurses’ work adjustment. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 25(5), 424-436. (First author)
2019-09-30 Nursing students’ knowledge, attitudes to advance medical directives and ethics values. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration. 25(4), 282-291. (First author)
2019-06-30 Nursing students’ environmental consciousness and medical waste related knowledge and attitudes. Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing. 30(2), 174-182. (Corresponding author)
2018-05-31 Psychosocial wellbeing status, self leadership and job satisfaction in fire officers. Journal of the Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing. 25(2), 89-98. (First author)
2017-05-31 Experience of patients’ management of hepatocellular carcinoma with transarterial chemoembolization. Journal of Qualitative Research. 18(1), 78-92.(First author)
2016-08-31 Body composition and dietary self-efficacy of nursing students. Journal of Muscle and Joint Health. 23(2), 95-104. (Participating author)
2015-02-28 Factors influencing quality of life in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma receiving transarterial chemoembolization. Journal of the Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing. 22(1), 69-78.(Corresponding author)
2014-11-30 The relationship between emotional intelligence and stress coping of nurses. Journal of the Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing. 21(4), 466-474. (Participating author)
2009-12-31 Gender role identity and quality of life of hysterectomy women receiving hormone replacement therapy. Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.15(4), 320-327. (First author)
2024-03-05 13th Hong Kong International Nursing Forum [Critical care providers' experiences with critical care rehabilitation]
2023-12-01 2023 한국간호행정학회 동계학술대회 정책연구과제 구두 발표[병원간호사가 지각하는 셀프리더십, 관리자의 진성리더십, 간호조직문화가 조직침묵에 미치는 영향: 혼합연구방법 적용]
2023-11-30 2023 동서간호학연구소 추계학술대회 [The Influence of Digital Literacy, Patient Activation on Sick Role Behavior in the Vulnerable Elderly with Diabetes]
2022-12-16 2022 한국간호행정학회 동계학술대회 초록 포스터 발표[코로나19 팬데믹 시기 간호대학생의 임상실습 적응도 영향요인]
2022-11-02 제6차 한중일 간호학술대회 초록 포스터 발표[Factors Influencing Professional Quality of Life of Nurses in Long-term Care Hospitals]
2022-11-02 제6차 한중일 간호학술대회 초록 포스터 발표[The Influence of Infection Control Fatigue and Compassion Competence on Disaster Nursing Core Competencies of Nurses at COVID-19 Designated Hospitals]
2022-11-02 제6차 한중일간호학술대회 초록 포스터 발표[The Influence of Activities of Daily Living, Ego Integrity and Social Support on the Compliance of Patient Role Behavior among Elderly Hemodialysis]
2022-05-19 2022 동서간호학연구소 춘계학술대회 초록 발표[Factors Influencing Clinical Nurses’ Medication Safety Competence]
2021-12-23 2021년 한국노인간호학회 동계학술대회 포스터발표[Development and Evaluation of a Community-Based Integrated Health Management Program to Improve the Quality of Life of Vulnerable Older Adults with Multimorbidity during the COVID-19 Pandemic]
2021-06-25 2021년 한국노인간호학회 춘계학술대회 포스터발표[Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of the Self-Efficacy for Managing Chronic Disease Short Scale]
2019-12-19 2019 한국지역사회간호학회 동계학술대회 구두발표[지역간 노인의 신체활동과 개인적, 사회적 및 환경적 요인과의 관련성]
2019-12-19 2019 한국지역사회간호학회 동계학술대회 포스터 발표[포토보이스를 적용한 간호학 교수의 스트레스 요인과 건강증진요인 탐색]
2019-11-15 GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting in Austin [Factors Associated with Health-related Quality of Life in Korean Elderly By Region]
2019-07-16 3rd International Conference of Nursing Science & Practice in LA [Health-Related Quality of Life of Community-dwelling Multimorbid Older Adult in South Korea: Using a mixed-methods research]
2019-07-16 3rd International Conference of Nursing Science & Practice in LA [Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes to Advance Medical Directives and Ethics Values]
2019-06-21 2019 지역사회간호학 연합학술대회 [간호대학생의 환경의식과 의료폐기물 관련 지식 및 태도]
2019-01-18 22nd EAFONS 2019 in Singapore [Body composition and factors influencing health-promoting behavior of undergraduate nursing students]
2018-06-22 The 7th Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research [Nurse Administrators’ Experiences of Adaptation to Work]
2018-06-22 The 7th Global Congress for Qualitative Health Research [Pregnancy and Childbirth Experiences of Women with Infertility of Unknown Etiology]
2018-01-12 21st EAFONS & 11th INC [Psychosocial Wellbeing Status, Self Leadership and Job Satisfaction in Fire Officers]
2016-12-03 한국기본간호학회 동계학술대회 포스터 발표 [간동맥화학색전술을 받은 간세포암 환자의 질병관리 과정]
2016-09-09 한국질적연구센터 질적연구회 학술세미나 [간동맥화학색전술을 받는 간세포암환자의 질병관리 경험]
2015-10-22 10th International Nursing Conference(Korean society of nursing science) Poster presentation [Body Composition and Dietary Self-efficacy of Nursing Students]
2014-10-24 한국간호과학회 추계학술대회 포스터 발표 [간동맥 화학색전술을 받은 간세포암 환자의 자가간호, 가족지지 및 삶의 질]
2022-05-01 ~ 2023-04-30 [2022년 한국간호행정학회 정책연구과제]병원간호사가 지각하는 셀프리더십, 관리자의 진성리더십, 간호조직문화가 조직침묵에 미치는 영향(연구책임자)
2021-08-01 ~ 2021-12-31 [전문간호사 질관리 특별위원회]「전문간호사 자격인정 등에 관한 규칙」 일부 개정 (공동연구자)
2021-06-01 ~ 2024-08-31 [한국연구재단] 취약계층 만성질환 노인을 위한 ICT 기반 건강관련 삶의 질 향상 프로그램 개발 및 효과 : 심리사회적 건강증진 중심 (연구책임자)
2021-05-01 ~ 2021-11-30 [2021년 한국지역사회간호학회정책연구과제] 보건진료 전담공무원의 코로나19 대응경험 (공동연구자)
2021-05-01 ~ 2021-12-31 [한국연구재단] 2021년도 부산가톨릭대학교 바이오 데이터 엔지니어 양성사업 (참여교수)
2019-04-01 ~ 2019-12-31 [2019년도 질병관리청 지역 간 건강격차 원인 규명과 해소를 위한 학술활동 촉진 연구사업] 지역간 노인의 신체활동과 개인적, 사회적 및 환경적 요인과의 관련성 (연구책임자)
2018-03-01 ~ 2021-08-31 [한국연구재단]취약계층 복합만성질환 노인의 건강관련 삶의 질 증진을 위한 지역사회 기반 통합 건강관리 프로그램 개발 및 적용 (연구책임자)
교수 소개
닫기버튼김정현 교수기본간호학
연락처 051-510-0773
연구실 로사리오관 409호
e-mail kjh1218@cup.ac.kr
이화여자대학교 간호학 석사
이화여자대학교 성인간호학 박사
이화여자대학교 시간강사
부산가톨릭대학교 간호대학 간호학과 조교수
Kim, J., Lee, M., Lee, M. (2024). Implementation and evaluation of an emergency response training program for newly graduated nurses: A dcoping review. Journal of Korean Society for Simulation in Nursing. 12(1), 59-72.
Kim, J. (2024). Experiences of hospital clinical nurse educator role adaptation: A meta-synthesis. Journal of Qualitative Research, 25(1), 1-10.
Shin, S., Hong, E., Lee, I., Kim, J. (2024). Effects of governmental support on clinical nurse educators in South Korea: A repeated cross-sectional study. International Nursing Review, 1-9.
Lee, I., Shin, S., Kim J., Hong, E. (2023). Outcomes of a government support project for clinical nurse educator and policy recommendations: From the perspectives of clinical nurse educators. Health and Nursing, 35(2), 39-47.
Kim, J., Lee H., Pang, U. (2023). Development of a professionalism measurement scale for clinical nurses. Journal of Korean Clinical Nursing Research, 29(2), 186-197.
Shin, S., Lee, Y., Kim, J., Oh, E., Hong, E. (2023). Effectiveness of a critical reflection competency program for clinical nurse educators: a pilot study. BMC Nursing, 22, 1-8.
Hwang, E., Kim, J. (2022). Factors affecting academic burnout of nursing students according to clinical practice experience. BMC Medical Education, 22(1), 1-10.
Kim, J., Shin, S. (2022). Development of the Nursing Practice Readiness Scale for new graduate nurses: A methodological study. Nurse Education in Practice, 103298.
Kim, J., Shin, S., Bae, S. H., Lee, I. (2021). Developing a nursing needs assessment scale and patient classification system based on nursing activities in comprehensive nursing care units. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 39(3), 395-409.
Shin, S., Kang, Y., Hwang, E. H., Kim, J. (2021). Factors associated with teaching efficacy among nurse educators in hospital settings. Journal of Clinical nursing, 30(7-8), 1111-1119.
Han, M. K., Shin, S., Kim, J. (2021). Individual and institutional outcomes of nurse residency program for new nurses: a systematic review. Korean Journal of Adult Nursing, 33(1), 10-28.
Kim, J., Lee, M., Dan, H. (2021). Gender differences in factors affecting life satisfaction of the elderly with multimorbidity in Korea. Nursing Reports, 11(1), 54-63.
Kim, J. (2020). A qualitative analysis of nursing practice readiness for new graduate nurses. Journal of Qualitative Research, 21(2), 105-112.
Shin, S., Oh, S. J., Kim, J., Lee, I., Bae, S. H. (2020). Impact of nurse staffing on intent to leave, job satisfaction, and occupational injuries in Korean hospitals: A cross-sectional study. Nursing and Health Sciences, 22(3), 658-666.
Bae, S. H., Kim, J., Lee, I., Oh, S. J., Shin, S. (2019). Video recording of nursing care activities in gerontological nursing to compare general units and comprehensive nursing care units. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 21(3), 165-172.
Shin, S., Lee, I., Kim, J., Bae, S. (2019). Work-related characteristics and sleep quality of nurses in comprehensive nursing care units of small-medium sized hospitals. Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing, 26(4), 260-268.
Bae, S., Lee, I., Kim, J., Oh, S. J., Shin, S. (2019). Perceptions of patient-centered care and patient-centeredness experiences of patients and nurses in comprehensive nursing care units at general hospitals. Korean Journal of Hospital Management, 24(3), 48-60.
Kim, K., Lee, J., Lee, I. S. (2019). The lived experiences of older women with Parkinson&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;apos;s disease. The Journal of Muscle and Joint Health, 26(2), 72-80.
Shin, S., Park Y. W., Kim, M., Kim, J., Lee, I. (2019). Survey on the education system for new graduate murses in hospitals: focusing on the preceptorship. Korean Medical Education Review, 21(2), 112-122.
Park, M., Shin, S., Kim, J. (2019). Gender differences of affecting factors on the anxiety among the eco-generation. Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics, 44(1), 22-31.
Kim, J., Shin, S., Lee, M. (2018). Changes in clinical practice environment of nursing students due to comprehensive Nursing care services. Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing, 32(2), 221-234.
Shin, S., Kim, J., Kang, Y., Roh, Y. H., Jeong, S. Y., Hwang, E.H, et al. (2018). The experiences of difficulties for nurses in clinical education. Journal of Qualitative Research, 19(1), 40-47.
Kim, K., Jeong, H., Nam, H. (2018). The experience with patient safety activities of nursing students. Journal of Qualitative Research, 19(1), 13-21.
Kim, J., Cha, C. (2017). Experience of fathers of neonates with congenital heart disease in South Korea. Heart &amp;amp;amp;amp; Lung, 46(6), 439-443.
간호교육 필수 업무기준안에 따른 신규간호사 교육모듈 개발(2023). 대한병원협회. 책임연구원.
교육전담간호사 지원사업 5차연구(2023). 대한병원협회. 공동연구원.
임상간호교수제 도입을 위한 정책 연구(2023). 대한간호협회. 공동연구원.
교육전담간호사 지원사업 4차연구(2022). 대한병원협회. 책임연구원.
신규간호사를 위한 다중환자 가상 시뮬레이션 교육프로그램 개발(2022-2024). 한국연구재단. 책임연구원.
교육전담간호사 지원사업 3차연구(2021). 대한병원협회. 공동연구원.
교육전담간호사 지원사업 2차연구(2020). 대한병원협회. 공동연구원.
신규간호사 레지던시 프로그램(안) 개발(2020). 보건복지부. 공동연구원.
교수 소개
닫기버튼배은정 교수성인간호학
연락처 051-510-0735
연구실 로사리오관 416-1호
e-mail ejbae@cup.ac.kr
부경대학교 간호학 석사
부경대학교 간호학 박사
동남권원자력의학원 간호사 (2012.06~2021.02)
부경대학교 시간강사 (2017.03~2020.02)
Bae, E. J., Park, N. J., Sohn, H. S., & Kim, Y. H. (2019). Handgrip Strength and All-Cause Mortality in Middle-Aged and Older Koreans. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 740.
Bae, E. J. & Kim, Y. H. (2019). Mediation Effects of Basic Psychological Needs Between Autonomy Support from Healthcare Providers and Self-Management Among Cancer Survivors. Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, 10(6), 385-393.
Cho, G. Y., Bae, E. J., & Kim, Y. H. (2019). Association between Sarcopenia and Health Risk Behaviors by Age Groups in Korean Adults : Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey IV to V. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 21(3), 1523-1537.
Sohn, H. S., Bae, E. J., & Kim, Y. H. (2019). Association of Co-Occurring Smoking and Obesity with Depression among Korean Adults: Based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey(KNHANES), 2008-2011. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 21(1), 479-493.
Bae, E. J., Lee, S. Y., & Jung, H. M. (2019). Impacts of Symptom Clusters, Performance and Emotional Status on the Quality of Life of Patients with Gynecologic Cancer. J Korean Soc Matern Child Health, 23(1), 45-55.
Bae, E. J. & Kim, Y. H. (2017). Factor Affecting Sarcopenia in Korean Adults by Age Groups. Osong Public Health and Research Perspectives, 8(3), 169-178.
Bae, E. J. & Kim, Y. H. (2016). Association between Sarcopenia and Cardiovascular Disease : Based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2008-2011. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 18(6), 2961-2974.
교수 소개
닫기버튼이지연 교수성인간호학
연락처 051-510-0782
연구실 로사리오관 418-1호
e-mail jylee@cup.ac.kr
이화여자대학교 간호학 석사 (2015.03~2017.02)
이화여자대학교 성인간호학 박사 (2017.09~2021.02)
이화여자대학교 시간강사 (2017.03~2019.08)
이화여자대학교 초빙교수 (2019.09~2021.02)
부산가톨릭대학교 간호대학 간호학과 조교수 (2021.03~현재)
· Choi, S., & Lee, J. (2023). Factors Influencing RNs' Intention to Stay in Nursing Homes: Multilevel Modeling Approach. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 49(7), 40-48.
· Lee, J., & Choi, S. (2023). The experience of fathers whose infants were hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in South Korea: A scoping review. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 72, 36-44.
· Lee, J. Y. (2022). Nursing home nurses' turnover intention: A systematic review. Nursing Open, 9, 22-29.
· Lee, J. Y., Shin, J. H., Lee, K. H., Harrington, C. A., & Jung, S. O. (2022). Staffing Levels and COVID-19 Infections and Deaths in Korean Nursing Homes. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice, 23(1), 15-25.
· Jung, S. O., Shin, J. H., & Lee, J. Y. (2022). Factors Influencing Residents’ Activities of Daily Living Related to Nursing Staff in Korean Nursing Homes using Path Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology (IJACT), 10(2), 1-11.
· Shin, I. S., Shin, J. H., Jang, D. E., & Lee, J. Y. (2022). A Methodological Quality Evaluation of Meta-Analyses on Nursing Home Research: Overview and Suggestions for Future Directions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(1), 505.
· Shin, J. H., Choi, G. Y., & Lee, J. Y. (2021). Identifying Frequently Used NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses, NOC Outcomes, NIC Interventions, and NNN Linkages for Nursing Home Residents in Korea. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11505.
· Shin, J. H., Lee, J. Y., & Lee, Y. N. (2021). Review of Nurse Staffing and Residents Quality of Care and Quality of Life in Nursing Homes: Applying Castle & Engberg's Conceptual Framework. The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology, 7(2), 247-259.
· Lee, S. K., Shin, J. H., Ahn, J. H., Lee, J. Y., & Jang, D. E. (2021). Identifying the Risk Factors Associated with Nursing Home Residents’ Pressure Ulcers Using Machine Learning Methods. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6), 2954.
· Shin, J. H., Renaut, R. A., Reiser, M., Lee, J. Y., & Tang, T. Y. (2021). Increasing Registered Nurse Hours Per Resident Day for Improved Nursing Home Residents’ Outcomes Using a Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(2), 402.
· Lee, J. Y. (2021). Nurse Staffing and Patient Outcomes in Korea: A Systematic Review. Journal of Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 22(1), 104-115.
· Lee, J. Y., & Shin, J. H. (2020). Why Do They Stay? Intention to Stay among Registered Nurses in Nursing Homes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8485.
· Shin, J. H., Choi, G. Y., & Lee, J. Y. (2020). Impact of Nurse Staffing, Skill Mix and Stability on Resident Health Outcomes in Korean Nursing Homes. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 22(4), 291-303.
· Shin, J. H., Shin, I. S., & Lee, J. Y. (2020). Factors Influencing Nursing Home Accreditation-Quality Ratings in Korea. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 22(3), 226-235.
· Lee, J. Y. (2020). The Relationship between Nurse Staffing and Nurse Outcomes in Nursing Homes: An Integrative Review. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 22(2), 117-125.
· Lee, J. Y. (2020). Risk Factors for Nursing Home Delirium: A Systematic Review. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 22(1), 75-83.
· Lee, S. K., Ahn, J., Shin, J. H., & Lee, J. Y. (2020). Application of Machine Learning Methods in Nursing Home Research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6234.
· Kim, J., Lee, J. Y, & Lee, I. S. (2019). The Lived Experiences of Older Women with Parkinson's Disease. Journal of muscle and joint health, 26(2), 72-80.
· Shin, J. H., Kim, E. M., & Lee, J. Y. (2019). Factors relating to the quality of care for nursing home residents in Korea: Using the delphi method. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 49(6), 783-794.
· Lee, J. Y. (2019). A Concept Analysis of Nursing Students’ Grit Using Hybrid Model. Crisisonomy, 15, 141-153.
· Lee, J. Y., Oh, J. E., Lee, W. J., & Hur, Y. (2019). A Concept Analysis of Nurses’ Grit. Crisisonomy, 15, 35-48.
· Lee, J. Y., & Shin, J. H. (2017). Effects of Delirium Care Education on Delirium Care of Korean-Chinese Caregivers Caring for Elderly Postsurgical Patients. Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing, 19(3). 194-202.
[한국연구재단] 혼합연구방법론을 이용한 노인요양시설 간호사의 근속 의도에 관한 연구 (책임연구자)
[보건복지부] 2024년 노인요양시설 내 전문요양실 시범사업: 전문요양실 전담인력 교육용역사업 (공동연구자)
[보건복지부] 2023년 노인요양시설 내 전문요양실 시범사업: 전문요양실 전담인력 교육용역사업 (공동연구자)
[보건복지부] 2022년 노인요양시설 내 전문요양실 시범사업: 전문요양실 전담인력 교육용역사업 (공동연구자)
[보건복지부] 2021년 노인요양시설 내 전문요양실 3차 시범사업 (공동연구자)
교수 소개
닫기버튼도지영 교수성인간호학
연락처 051-510-0726
연구실 메리놀관 117호
e-mail djy0221@cup.ac.kr
이화여자대학교 간호학 석사
이화여자대학교 성인간호학 박사
부산가톨릭대학교 실습operator
이화여자대학교 임상실습전담강사
부산가톨릭대학교 간호대학 간호학과 조교수
Do, J., Shin S., Lee. I., Jung. Y., Hong. E., Lee. M. (2021). Qualitative Content Analysis on Critical Reflection of Clinical Nurses. Journal of Qualitative Research, 22(2), 86-96.
Do, J., Shin S. (2019). Development of Handoff Education Program using SBAR for Nursing Students and Its Effect on Self-efficacy, Communication Ability and Clinical Performance Ability. Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing, 26(2), 117-126.
Hwang. E., Do, J., Shin S. (2017). Validation of the Perceived Self-efficacy of Hand-off Reporting Korean Version Instrument. Health & Nursing, 29(2), 25-33.
교수 소개
닫기버튼이영미 교수노화와건강, 해부생리학, 노인케어론, 노인케어실습
연락처 051-510 -0833
FAX +82-51-510-0838
연구실 메리놀관 111호
e-mail ymlee@cup.ac.kr
2006 중앙대학교 간호학 석사
2003 중앙대학교 보건학 석사
1986 중앙대학교 간호학사
현: 노인간호사회 본회 홍보위원
현: 노인간호사회 부울경지회 학술이사
현: 한국산업인력공단 일학습병행제 현장실사위원
현: 한국건강주관성학회 교육이사
현: 부산광역시 금정구 노인장기요양보험 등급판정위원
전: 대한간호협회 보수교육과정 심사위원
전: 부산가톨릭대학교 라파엘노인데이케어센터 센터장
전: 한국보완대체요법 간호사회 밸런스테이핑분과학회 부회장
전: 노인간호사회 서울지부 재정이사
전: 단국대학교 외래강사
전: 경인여자대학교 시간강사
전: 중앙대학교 외래교수
전: 유니실버(주) 시설장
전: (주)진도 간호사
전: 중앙대학교 의과대학 부속병원 간호사
2019-02-28 재가노인의 청력장애가 우울과 자기효능감에 미치는 영향, 한국산학기술학회논문지, 공동연구
2018-12-31 간호대학생이 인식하는 노화지식과 가족건강성이 노인차별에 미치는 영향, 재활간호학회지, 공동연구
2018-10-31 요양병원 간호사의 간호 근무환경, 직무 스트레스와 인간중심 돌봄, Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 단독연구
2018-09-30 일 도시 노인의 기능상태, 노인차별, 경험이 성공적 노화에 미치는 영향, 다문화건강학회지, 공동연구
2016-11-01 지역사회 거주 노인의 청력장애가 주관적 기억장애와 우울에 미치는 영향. 한국웰니스학회논문지, 단독연구
2016-10-01 Effectiveness of sitz bath massage on postoperative pain, anxiety, and mood states in patients with hemorrhoidectomy. Indian Journal of Science and Technology
2016-02-01 중년과 노년의 자가 평가 건강수준 영향요인 비교. 한국콘텐츠학회논문지, 공동연구
2016-02-01 시설거주 인지장애 노인의 행동심리증상이 통증에 미치는 영향. 한국웰니스학회논문지, 단독연구
2016-01-01 의료인의 소진에 대한 지각: Q 방법론 적용. 간호행정학회지, 공동연구
2014-11-01 노인요양시설 입소노인의 통증, 우울 및 일상생활활동과의 관련성. 한국산학기술학회논문지, 단독연구
2013-04-01 노인요양시설 간호사와 요양보호사의 직무관련 소진 영향요인. 한국산학기술학회논문지, 공동연구
2012-09-01 노인요양시설 입소노인의 인지장애 관련요인. 한국산학기술학회논문지, 단독연구
2012-02-01 노인요양시설 노인의 연하곤란, 사정도구, 중재프로그램 개발 및 평가. 한국산학기술학회논문지, 공동연구
교수 소개
닫기버튼이은영 교수성인간호학
연락처 051-510-0777
FAX 051-510-0747
연구실 메리놀관 114-1호
e-mail eunyoung2612@cup.ac.kr
SUNY at Buffalo, MS, Adult Health Nursing
부산대학교 간호학 박사
안동과학대학교 조교수 2015.09 ~ 2019.08.
부산대학교 시간강사 2019.09. ~ 2022.12.
마산대학교 시간강사 2021.03. ~ 2024.03.
울산대학교 시간강사 2022.03. ~ 2024.03.
서울아산병원 간호사 1999.05. ~ 2002.06.
삼성서울병원 간호사 2003.02. ~ 2007.02.
건강보험심사평가원 주임연구원 2013.03. ~ 2015.08.
Jun, S. S., & Lee, E. (2023). A longitudinal study of disability in activities of daily living and activity restrictioninduced fear of falling among Korean older people. Nursing Open, 10(5), 2946-2959.
성현숙, 전성숙, & 이은영. (2022). 알코올중독 회복영향요인 중심의 알코올중독회복자 유형: Q-방법론. 정신간호학회지, 31(2), 241-253.
전성숙, 이은영, & 조경진. (2022). 당뇨병 환자의 애플리케이션 사용 경험을 통한 당뇨관리에 관한 연구. 인문사회 21, 13(4), 2477-2492.
노인간호, 종단연구
교수 소개
닫기버튼반민경 교수-
연락처 051-510-0780
연구실 메리놀관114
e-mail vanmin@cup.ac.kr
동아대학교 일반대학원(간호학석사)
동아대학교 간호학과(간호학사)
2022. 3 ~ 2024. 8 부산보건대학교 간호학과(조교수)
2004 ~ 2014 동아대학교병원(산소아병동간호)
Kim, M., Kim, M., & Ban, M. (2024). Factors Influencing the Intention for Continual Fertility Treatments by the Women Undergoing Assisted Reproductive Technology Procedures: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 54(1), 59-72.
박혜련, 김나경, & 반민경. (2024). 간호대학생의 수면의 질 영향 요인: 정신건강을 중심으로. Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing, 38(1), 5-15.
김미옥, & 반민경. (2022). 한국어판 난임 낙인 측정도구의 타당도와 신뢰도. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 52(6), 582-597.
Kim, M., Hong, J. E., & Ban, M. (2021). Mediating effects of emotional self-disclosure on the relationship between depression and quality of life for women undergoing in-vitro fertilization. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(12), 6247.
반민경, & 여정희. (2021). 산후 초기여성의 모성기능에 미치는 영향요인. 한국융합학회논문지, 12(9), 323-330.
김미옥, 박점미, 홍주은, & 반민경. (2021). 난임 치료를 받는 여성의 난임 스트레스, 감사 성향 및 부부관계 변화의 관련성 연구. 한국모자보건학회지, 25(3), 169-176.
박혜련, 전혜정, & 반민경. (2021). 간호대학생의 간호전문직관 영향요인: 전환충격과 무례함 중심으로. 동서간호학연구지, 27(1), 78-86.
김은정, 홍지원, 강지연, 김나경, 김나리, 맹수연, ... & 장은혜. (2020). 중환자 통증 평가 도구에 관한 체계적 문헌고찰. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing Vol, 13(1), 44-62.
교수 소개
닫기버튼신소연 교수-
연락처 051-510--0781
FAX 051-510-0747
연구실 메리놀관 115호
e-mail shine3788@cup.ac.kr
2011.04~2015.12 구로구 정신건강복지센터 정신건강간호사
2023.09 ~ 2023.12 서울대학교 간호학과 시간강사
2024.03 ~ 2024.08 가천대학교 간호학과 시간강사
Woo, S., Choi, H., & Shin, S. (2024). Effects of workplace violence on emotional distress. Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services, 62(4), 24-32.
Shin, S., Choi, H., & Lee, G. (2023). Effects of positive psychotherapy for people with psychosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 44(3), 180-193.
Choi, H., Shin, S., Jeon, J., Lee, H., Lee, J., Seo, C., ... & Woo, S. (2023). Workplace violence experienced by community mental health workers. Issues in mental health nursing, 44(8), 726-734.
Yu, S. Y., Heo, J., Yoon, N. H., Lee, M., & Shin, S. (2022). Human rights of persons with mental illness after the Korean Mental Health Act revision: A qualitative study. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 60(8), 27-35.
신소연, 최희승. (2021). 조기정신증 대상자를 위한 지역사회 기반 사례관리 경험: Social Treatment for Early Psychosis 프로그램을 중심으로.정신간호학회지, 30(2), 193-205.
신소연, 조윤민, 윤난희, 황서은, 황종남, 최정원, ... & 이선구. (2021). 정신건강복지법 개정에 따른 입원적합성 심사와 관련된 이해관계자의 경험.한국보건사회연구,41(2), 259-277.
Heo, J., Yoon, N. H., Shin, S., Yu, S. Y., & Lee, M. (2021). Effects of the Mental Health and Welfare Law revision on schizophrenia patients in Korea: an interrupted time series analysis.International Journal of Mental Health Systems,15, 1-8.
신소연, 최희승. (2020). 중증정신질환자의 정신의료기관 이용과 관련된 동료지원 서비스에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰.정신간호학회지,29(1), 51-63.
공공심리지원 전달체계 모형 개발 연구 (2021). 서울특별시 (공동연구자)
지역사회 정신건강복지센터 종사자 안전· 인권 문제 실태조사 및 매뉴얼 개발 연구 (2021). 국립정신건강센터 (공동연구자)
정신건강복지법 개정의 정책 결정 과정 분석 연구 (2021). (공동연구자)
정신건강복지법'에 따른 비자의입원 제도와 입원적합성 심사위원회 제도 시행의 영향평가 연구 (2020). 국립정신건강센터 (공동연구자)
정신보건법 개정을 통한 정신질환자의 비자의입원 요건 강화 정책이 탈수용화 및 환자 인권에 미친 영향 (2019). (공동연구자)
정신장애인의 인권과 회복, 동료지원 서비스, 조기정신증 사례관리, 지역사회 정신간호, 재난 심리지원, 질적연구